We help people.

We link our business activities to our global giving.

Move around the map and see:

Our impacts

Here's an example: when Tim delivers a keynote, we also choose to help send meals to schools in India so poor families send their kids to school for the meal, and while they're there they get a life-changing education.

And as of right now we've made:

micro-giving impacts through B1G1.

This live number is displayed through and audited by B1G1.com. We're one of their accredited givers known as a Business For Good.

Here are some of our most recent giving activities:

Did we start our business so we could give more? Nope.

Tim was asked this when he was interviewed by Scotland-based entrepreneur Alisoun Mackenzie several years ago. Click below to listen. In the first 5 minutes you'll get a bit of background about Tim and how he DIDN'T start his business with giving in mind, and the subsequent evolution of his thinking. It's an awesome interview.

We're doing our bit to make the world better

The United Nations have 17 Global Goals to achieve by 2030. We're helping them achieve these goals. Because businesses will do more to finance the solutions to these problems than governments. And these global goals are our goals really. And they're good goals. So let's get them done.

Every time a business chooses us to help them make a positive change for their people and their results, they're also helping change the world with us. Thanks.

impacts so far

Here where our giving is focused for 2022-2025

We've already made a lot of impacts in helping people get water, food and education. And while these are still super important, we've decided to shift our giving to the following four areas over the next few years, with our giving count reported below each one.





Why talk about it?

Isn't talking about your giving kinda crap?

Yes it is... if my motive is just posturing. But if talking about it can make a greater positive difference to the lives of people in real need, then it's worth talking about regardless if people think I'm a twat for doing so.

Giving helps make a positive impact

We can help people who need it. Small amounts that can mean nothing to us can mean a lot to them. Those resources from us can motivate positive change in disadvantaged communities and really change the world. And giving impacts change. Talk without action doesn't.

Giving helps our people feel great

Sometimes the grind of work can suck the life out of you. But if that work also helps save lives, then that grind becomes purpose-filled and meaningful. Our team feels great about how we each help change the world, one business result at a time, and how we each can choose the projects that our activity will impact.

Giving can help inspire others to give

Not always. If you're giving then some competitive people will choose to do something else that makes them look uniquely good. That reveals their motive. But if you do care and want to make a difference, then your giving can show others the way, like I've shown you how I use B1G1. And if our giving inspires even more people to give too, then our help spreads further.

Giving can be good for marketing

Having bashed those doing it just to look good, if doing good helps organisations choose to do business with us then that's great too; for us, for them, and for those we give to. And if the only difference between vendor A and vendor B is that A does giving, then wouldn't you also choose to do business with vendor A? So it can be good for sharing how you live your values.

Additional thoughts about giving

The 18th century Anglican preacher and founder of Methodism, John Wesley, once famously preached his rules for money: "Gain all you can, save all you can, give all you can." I love it. Work, earn, save, but also give some of it to help others. And in Singapore a few years ago, Pastor Benjamin Lee said this in his sermon: "Compassion isn’t just a feeling. It’s love in action. Go where you ordinarily don’t. And reach out to those to whom you usually won’t. These actions can lead to transformation." We can create change, and feel richest when we give.

3 ways you can help

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